Do you ever break down what you say and how you act with potential consumers after you’ve said it? What are your thoughts about your strategy? Would you consider purchasing a product or service from you?
On a sales call, there are certain things you should never do. Some of these ideas are plain sense, but others fall into the area of providing something really useful to the client rather than providing everyone with the same answer. Perhaps you’ve already tried these strategies and seen how successful they are.
Nowadays, most B2B sales negotiations take place over the phone (or video calls), so here are 8 things you shouldn’t do during a sales call.
Multitasking During Calls
When you switch back and forth between your phone and your computer while speaking with a customer, you are demonstrating a lack of attention to their requirements. Put your other gadgets away and give them your undivided attention to show them how valuable they are. This requires your undivided attention.
Cutting your Prospect Off
Even if you’ve gone over your sales process multiple times in one day, you never know what a customer will say. Make it a point to pay close attention to what your consumers are saying. Stop and truly listen to what they have to say. Always double-check that they’re done before responding.
Lack of Empathy
Sharing your personal experience is one of the most effective methods to connect on a human level. “Hey, I know how terrible it is to lose you, as I did last week, but here are your options,” she says. This helps to establish a bond with the consumer by demonstrating that you genuinely understand their situation. A robot, at least not yet, can’t relate on that level.
Related: What Prospects Love to Hear During a Sales Call
Pestering Them for a Decision Right Away
A crucial aspect of effective selling is determining the time period and urgency. The wording of this question is bad since it invites the prospect to respond in an ambiguous manner, such as “right now,” “very soon,” “ASAP,” “yesterday,” and so on. It’s easy to assume that as a salesperson seeking to close a deal, you need to get a contract into their hands right away since they’re ready to buy. “ASAP” might really imply “by the end of the year.” The takeaway here is to avoid asking confusing questions. Choose the appropriate phrases and inquire simply if you genuinely want to know when someone will make a choice or when they want delivery.
Using too Many Jargons
Make careful to utilize clear, comprehensible language while making a sales call. Technical words may be unfamiliar to business department leaders. As a result, avoid employing jargon. It might signal disaster for you if they can’t grasp what you’re saying. It’s the same the opposite way around. Before speaking with the technical heads, it’s a good idea to discuss your technical department colleagues so that you can utilize the appropriate technical phrases on the phone. It’s important to remember that being straightforward, direct, and educated pays well.
Being Too Pushy
If you are overly aggressive and always talk about yourself, you risk alienating a large number of individuals. You should avoid being overly aggressive or demanding in order to convert prospects into clients. Overselling is unnecessary if your product or service is excellent. Your desperate need for sales might be interpreted as a sign of weakness and insecurity. Desperation has the ability to quickly turn a possibility off.
You Don’t Stop To Ask Questions
Some salesmen have the erroneous idea that the best salespeople are the ones who can talk the most. Many of them waste a lot of time on material that isn’t relevant to them. You should improve your listening abilities as part of your overall fitness. When you talk too much, you’ll never be able to clinch a transaction. Listening to your customer conveys an interest in their business, which aids in the development of a connection and trust.
Related: Mom Knows Best: How to Ace Your Sales Calls
Failing to Follow-Up
Follow-up is an important aspect of sales that you should not overlook. When someone does not become a client or customer does not rule out the possibility that they will be interested in your products or services in the future. It is your job to find out how the product or service is working even after you have succeeded in converting a prospect into a client. One of the most typical mistakes made by salesmen is failing to follow up.
Related: 4 Sales Call Rapport-Building Techniques That AI Can’t Yet Do
Sales people must accept the fact that you will be rejected from time to time. If, on the other hand, rejections are the norm rather than the exception, you should reconsider your calling and sales presentation technique. There’s a risk that the method you do your sales call has faults. If this is the case, you should rectify it as quickly as possible by avoiding these errors.