Client Success Story
Client story image with text "Precision Engineering Company Executes Precise Rebranding with Callbox"

Precision Engineering Company Executes Precise Rebranding with Callbox

Profiled Records
Campaign Type
Lead Generation, Data Profiling
Target Location
Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Malaysia
Target Industries
Target Contacts
Global Distributors

The Client

The client is the Singapore arm of an industrial equipment supplier based in Germany, specializing in motion and fluid control technologies used in advanced production lines worldwide. The company’s product portfolio includes actuators, air preparation, fittings, tubing, pressure switches, vacuum, and valves.

The Challenge

The Client has a long and illustrious company history that includes the invention of the first inline lubricator in 1927 and a series of breakthrough innovations in several pneumatic fluid and motion control technologies. Its products and expertise are presently used in numerous manufacturing facilities worldwide for improving equipment productivity and efficiency.

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