Know How A Fintech Firm Secured New Sales Leads Via Callbox ABM
The Client
The Client is a leading provider and supplier of secure payment devices and solutions, helping issuers, financial institutions and telcos with the tools they need to empower consumers everywhere.
The Challenge
The Client has been providing products and solutions that address diverse needs for secure and easy to use payment solutions that cover onboarding, personalization and payment device issuance systems and kiosks for more than two decades, and has been relying on in-house, traditional marketing approach such as media ads, word of mouth and referrals to secure new clients. Over the last decade, however, consumer buying habits changed, leaning more on online marketing like email, social media, web and mobile, which has quite made an impact on the Client’s customer base numbers. The decision to reshape customer acquisition strategies was not easy, but it was something needed in order for the business to cope and pull its numbers back up to be on track.