Sales Call Success with A Perfect Telemarketing Script

Sales Call Success with A Perfect Telemarketing Script

Many people have become allergic to cold calls these days. Ask any telemarketer, and they will tell you how people hung up on them, even slammed phones, when they suspect they are talking to telemarketers.

You cannot blame people for doing so because there are organizations that have given telemarketing or cold calling a bad rap. Despite the bad news, it does not mean that telemarketing is dead. In fact, it remains one of the strategies companies use, even the Fortune 500 companies, to drive revenue. Lead generation services continue to play a huge role in today’s B2B marketing because they help keep companies competitive in the market.

However, if you are still using dated cold calling techniques, better not do it at all. Many changes have happened over the years, so if you are serious about telemarketing, here are a few tips for creating a successful telemarketing script.

Let’s start with the opening:

Hello. My name is Thor Odinson.

I’m calling up tech startups in the area to check if they will be a perfect match for our lead generation beta program.

In a nutshell, we help you connect with your target buyers in any market and industry.

Does it sound interesting to you?

Now, let’s break down it down to see why this is the perfect introduction.

It seems like a no-brainer to start with your name when you introduce yourself. However, it will surprise you that many people forget this important step.

Telling your prospect who you are, establishes context and trust. More so, a name makes the call more human than sounding like a bot.

Set aside your pitch for a minute. Forget about small talk. People already know that chatting about the weather is BS. It might sound friendly, but if they don’t know who they are talking to, they will not spare any minute to hear the rest of what you say. Besides, you have interrupted them from whatever important they are doing.

Get to the point. It shows that you value their time.

The words have been chosen carefully. In that one single sentence, you were able to:

  • Show your prospect who you’re helping (tech startups)
  • Tell them where you are from (in the area)
  • Who you are looking for (perfect match)
  • What your company offers (lead generation beta program)

Notice that we used “tech startups” rather than “customers” or “prospects.” That’s because you are making an exploratory call. We also use “beta program” to show them that you understand the language they are speaking (remember you are talking to tech startups).

Just a note: The details of your script depends on your target audience and what you are offering them.

Going in for the kill minus the fluff

In less than 10 seconds, you have delivered your elevator pitch clearly and briefly. According to experts, your elevator speech should not exceed 20 or 30 seconds more. According to the Harvard Business Review, if you can hook your prospect in the first 8 seconds, they will allow you to drive your message without giving you a hard time.

Your prospects don’t have the patience, especially if you are cold calling them; so make that first 8 seconds count.

The question allows your prospect to say no at the first opportunity, so why should we use such question?

Think about this:

If you make small talk and proceed to your sales pitch, your prospect might be polite enough not to hang up on you. However, he or she will spend the rest of the call thinking of reasons how to end his or her call with you.  You wasted both of your time.

On the other hand, if you allow your prospect to say no at the earliest time possible, you can extract more information from him or her. It allows you to extend the conversation even if for just a few more seconds.

Before we continue with the script, let’s take a look at the whole script structure:


You should have raised your prospect’s curiosity at this point before you deliver your elevator pitch.


Learn more about your prospect, their needs, their problems,  and their processes. Here are a few questions to ask:

  • What is your current (ABC) process?
  • What kind of customers do you cater to?
  • How do you find a solution to (ABC)?

Related: How to Skillfully Recognize and Respond to True Buying Signals

Test Closing

At this point, you try to find their decision timeline, price sensitivity, and other relevant information.

  • We would like to start in (start date)
  • Is that okay with you?
  • The program has a considerable discount. It is (amount) per month/per day.
  • How does the decision-making process in your company work?

Next Steps

You schedule what happens next and get the necessary contact details.

  • Amazing. It sounds like a perfect fit. I’ll send you more information about us and schedule a call next week to answer any questions you might have.
  • What’s the best email to send you the invite and the information?
  • What is the ideal time to sit with you next week?

Related: Mom Knows Best: How to Ace Your Sales Calls

Scripts should not limit your conversation

You have a script, but that should not make you sound like a robot nor should it limit your conversation. Scripts are primarily there to help you deliver your message with clarity and brevity. They also help you polish and develop the sales process as well as increase your sales IQ. They also help you adjust or make changes quickly during the conversation. Most importantly, scripts allow you to listen well to your prospects, enabling you to gain a better understanding of them and their company. In other words, scripts help you perform well.

Related: 4 Sales Call Rapport-Building Techniques That AI Can’t Yet Do [VIDEO]

Scripts do not prevent rejection

You now have an excellent telemarketing script, but that does not guarantee that you will get a “Yes” all the time. You will still get a no, but you have to embrace the “nos” you are getting.


Because they will give you insight. Understand why your prospects are saying “no” to you.

More often than not, it’s not really because they are not interested in what you offer. To lessen the percentage of rejection, present the value you have to provide early on during the conversation.

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