Customer Profiling Checklist in Verifying Business Contacts

Customer Profiling Checklist in Verifying Business Contacts

Why it pays to profile your customer?

Every company tries to identify who to market their products before they decide on how to do it. What a better way to find out who your customers are is to have an Ideal Customer Profile. And the best way to market your product and reach your target audience better and faster, is to have an updated contacts. Better business decisions are crafted when you have good data as a basis.

Having an accurate and informative contact list before calling your prospects is one of the most powerful marketing tools in order to learn who the best person to speak with is.  An updated contacts require less effort for your sales team to call companies over and over again just to find out who makes the decisions within their organization.

Related: Why Customer Profiling Could be the Best Investment your Company Makes

The information that you need to collect depends on your type of business. Below are some of the essential information that you need to gather and verify when doing customer profiling.

Email address

The direct business email of your target contact. Prior to the start of the campaign, sending out an introductory email is important. It can be an easy access for you to be transferred and eventually speak with the decision maker without anyone blocking your call because it may sound like you’re following up a recent conversation.

TIP: There will be times wherein Receptionists  will provide a generic email. Make sure that your target contact will have access to the email address provided to you. As much as possible, gather a direct business email.

a) Direct Business Email The email address that they use for all business transactions.


b) Generic Email – Most of the target contacts don’t have access to this email.


First and Last Name 

The complete name of your target contact to address the email properly. It’ll be easier for you to get hold of decision makers if you know their names since you won’t be doing prospecting anymore. Plus, Receptionists might think you know the decision maker personally and will transfer the call directly.

Job Title/ Position in the Company 

The correct job title of the contact person to address your target contact properly in the email. This is to make sure if you are targeting the right person based on his or her position in the company.

Direct line or ext number

The best number to reach your target contact without passing through the main number. Having a direct line or extension number of prospects will have a higher chance of getting hold of the decision makers.

Mobile Number

In case you can’t reach the prospect through their direct line, you can always call them on their mobile. Of course, you need to ask permission from your target contact if it’s okay for you to contact them through their mobile in case they’re not in the office.

Company Information

This includes the following:

a) Company Name – The updated name of the company.

b) Company Address – The correct physical address of the company.

c) Company website

TIP: Make sure to do your homework before calling companies for customer profiling. Company information should be done through research and not on the call.  It’s best that you know all the information about the company before calling so your Reps to sound legit and more professional over the phone.

Related:  Callbox Data Profiling A Major Coup for Exhibition Leader

Qualifying questions

It is necessary to pre-qualify the company. Why? Calling the same company over and over again and finding out they are not a good fit for your business can be a bit frustrating. And pre-qualifying the company is one way of making sure you’re targeting the right audience. Some of the examples of a qualifying questions includes;

a) Number of employees

b) Annual Sales

c) Number of computers

d) Number of locations

e) Type of industry

Learn more about lead qualification services..

You can always gather all of these information from anyone within the company even if the target contact is not available. Also, you may check on these few resources in getting business list or contacts.

However, only information of the decision maker is considered valid. Here’s a sample script that your team can use when doing customer profiling.

customer profiling script - Callbox

 Related: Don’t Waste a Moment! See Sample Cold Calling Scripts For You

Avoid prospecting while doing cold calling. Increase your chances of getting hold of your target audience and get leads faster and easier with an updated contacts.

And Here’s Why you Should Be Updating your Marketing List!

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