5 Methods that Will Help Increase Conversion Rates Using Social Media [GUEST POST]

5 Methods that Will Help Increase Conversion Rates Using Social Media

Most SEO experts focus on ranking but that is never enough. The reason why you want to rank high is so that you can get more traffic that turns into paying customers. However, this is not possible if your website does not convert. For you to make money, the visitors who get on your website must be compelled to do business with you. Ranking high on search engines is not enough. There are a number of things you can do with social media to increase conversion.

#1: Use the medium for social proof

The decisions of most shoppers today are influenced mainly by what other people are saying. This means that if there are too many negative reviews surrounding a product, most people will not want to purchase it. In Minneapolis, you can leverage the power of the social network to increase conversion. There is a good chance your happy customers are leaving positive mentions and comments on your social pages.  You need to feature some of these positive comments on your website.

This is important, especially considering the fact that 71% of consumers are more likely to purchase something based on the referrals they get from social media.

Related: 5 Reasons Why Prospects Aren’t Responding To Your Social Media Posts

#2: Use it to create customer-generated content

Most people know that they can’t always trust the information they find online. This is because most of the content is meant for advertisement purposes. Creating user-generated content will increase your chances of convincing customers to do business with you. Most of the big brands, including Coca Cola, are using this strategy to win the hearts of consumers.

You engage the crowd by launching competitions or asking for their opinions on something. You can then use their contributions to create user-generated content. Do not imitate these business branding failures.

Related: 3 Best Practices to Fine-Tune Your Next Content for Visual Learners

#3: Make use of social logins

The reason why most people never sign up with you is because of the tedious process of completing the signup forms. A survey by Blue Research found that 54% of users would rather leave a website and go to another one than spend time filling registration forms. The good thing is that you can now allow consumers to sign up using their social media details. All they need to do is to login into their social media page and they are done with the signup.

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#4: Find the most converting demographics

It is good to know which strategy is working and which demographics are more interested in your products and services. Social media will help you do exactly that. You can create different audiences on Facebook and preset them with relevant offers. This will enable you to know which audience shows the most interest. This can help you refine your marketing strategy.

Related: How to Reach C-Level Decision Makers and Boost B2B Sales

#5: Make your content go viral

The more people see your content, the more traffic you will get and the more conversions you will enjoy. Create content that is shareable and invest in good visuals.

Related: Stick to these Three S’s for Creating Viral Video Content

There are so many ways that social media can be used to boost conversion. You just need to keep an eye out on what other marketers are doing. Being persistent and consistent is also important.

Author Bio

Derek Iwasiuk run’s national digital search engine optimization firm headquarted in Minneapolis. Also spends a lot of his free time educating the minds of thousands of young SEO’s and top agencies. He advises his clients to engage the crowd as that is the key to more conversion. You can also follow him on twitter @Diwasiuk