A modern business can never survive without applying the most effective strategies to generate high quality leads. One of these tools that any business marketing executive can never live without is link-building.
Indeed, you can never doubt the many benefits that link building can provide. On top of shepherding quality traffic towards your site, it also helps you establish a rock solid brand and maintain a strong following from among your target audience. But as with any other tool, link-building (and in a related manner, article creation) have a lot of drawbacks – drawbacks that are frowned upon by search engines such as Google.
In particular, Google has warned yet again of unbridled article creation for the purpose of building links. Especially for companies that depend on blogging to broaden their brand’s appeal, Google’s recent red flag spells volumes about its campaign to rid the search engines of “spammy links” and bad content masquerading as guest posts. Google’s guidelines clearly ask enterprises to refrain from the following:
- Stuffing keyword-rich links to your site in your articles
- Having the articles published across many different sites; alternatively, having a large number of articles on a few large, different sites
- Using or hiring article writers that aren’t knowledgeable about the topics they’re writing on
- Using the same or similar content across these articles; alternatively, duplicating the full content of articles found on your own site (in which case use of rel=”canonical”, in addition to rel=”nofollow”, is advised)
Check out our early predictions and the latest SEO trends – A preview of how SEO changes in 2017
Be it as it may, this is nothing new compared to Google’s reiterations in the past, as Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Roundtable puts it:
Truth is, there is absolutely nothing new about what is written there. If you do guest blogging or article publishing for the purpose of link building, with the intent of manipulating Google’s search results – then that is something Google can and does penalize for.
Still, even if it were an issue that isn’t as relevant as it was before, proper link-building and article creation should abide by the rules. This is not just to comply with Google’s requirements for a leveled playing field in the SEO arena, but also to ensure that potential clients can acquire the kind of information they are looking for.
In this case, effective content creation is the only way to go. Google has encouraged companies and enterprises to focus much of their resources in improving their old blogs and posting articles that are actually readable, insightful, and meaningful to their target audiences. Take these reminders when crafting your next content:
- Stick to these Three S’s for Creating Viral Video Content
- Create Industry Specific Content
- How to Reach Influencers and Grow Your Content Audience [VIDEO]
Obviously, companies have already prioritized these in their checklist for effective digital marketing. The only problem, not many are going the right path when it comes to optimizing their sites and creating consumable content.
Well, lucky for them, we have all the information a company needs to up their marketing game.