Twitter To Help Businesses With New Lead Generation Card

Twitter To Help Businesses With New Lead Generation Card

When it comes to using social media for b2b lead generation, few can contest that the results tend to be inconclusive, and sometimes even downright confusing. What do you do with all the likes and shares and retweets that your offer generates? It’s all fine and dandy when all you’re thinking of is to widen the exposure of your brand or product, but if you’re really planning on turning these followers into qualified b2b sales leads, it might not be that easy to accomplish. Enter Twitter’s new service, the Lead Generation Card.

Though still not available to the general public, Twitter has revealed that this expanded tweet features a call to action form pre-populated with the @username, email address, and name of the person viewing it on Twitter, making it less likely for your sales targets to abandon signing up because everything has been done for them.

The Twitter lead generation card finally puts to use the thousands of user data that most social networking sites tend to simply horde. It’s a really effective means of lead generation: the leads generated are far more qualified than simple followers or likers because those who joined the offer can actually be directly contacted once the offer becomes available for purchase or you have new products and services, giving your sales and marketing people more opportunities to increase profits. Once you have the emails of your target b2b leads, moving on with the sales process becomes much easier and your business contact database can will be regularly updated as long as you provide attractive offers to the public.

Learn the effective ways to maximize your company’s business cards.

This is definitely one social network service that you must watch out for because once it becomes public, it will change the social media marketing game.