The Top Reasons Why Businesses Partner with Outbound Sales Companies


Being a well-received business solution, companies are increasingly becoming more aware that outsourcing their marketing and sales team is a tremendous time and money-saving game changer.

When the marketing and sales functions of a company are outsourced, advantages like reliable contacts from lead generation services, more rapid sales growth, fewer costs, and increased efficiency are usually reached. In addition, companies can effectively obtain an edge over their rivals by advancing towards their sales objectives while concentrating their internal resources on other important projects, further stirring their business forward.

In this post, we are going to tackle the top reasons why businesses partner with outbound sales companies and how working with outbound sales companies leads to great benefits for your business.

Creating Consistent Pipeline

Working with an outbound sales program, you will find that you will have a consistent build of your sales pipeline and eventual consistency around closing business. Once an SDR understands the product, the target demographic, and the closing points around those two aspects, you can calculate the number of sales that you will be making.

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High Hit Rate Against Your Ideal Client Profile

Outbound sales and marketing allow you to focus your efforts on contacting companies that fit your ideal client profile, whereas in inbound sales you don’t have the same degree of control over who will come to you. The quality of people that you contact is far less in your control with inbound sales – while it may be less difficult to reach interested parties, you will invariably be dealing with a lesser number of leads with more questionable quality of what you are looking for.

Drastically Increased Brand Awareness

This is a by-product of a heavy outbound campaign.  By calling, emailing, and socially touching prospects at your ideal client prospect accounts, your organization will get a tremendous pop as it comes to brand awareness and not have to have a huge marketing budget to achieve it. When your company becomes a household name, your sales team will become a branch of your marketing campaign.

Verifying And Cleaning Data

It’s a known fact that a huge amount of sales data is always incorrect or crap. Some studies have even shown that up to 20% of sales data is duplicated, filled with errors, or simply wrong. Outbound campaigns give you the opportunity to correct these errors and clean your records out which in turn can massively increase your success rate. This will also prevent the sales team from wasting time contacting the wrong people and will help you in building a solid proof sales pipeline.

Building Personal Touch

With a versatile method of creating leads, reps have the capability of combining telesales with direct mail and Internet marketing. By adding a personal touch to the telesales campaigns you can increase the sales conversion, much before the prospect is willing to meet you.  Speaking directly gives you the power to conversate your message clearly and effectively to the prospect. It becomes easy to tailor the message directly according to the flow of conversation, rather than just reading a standard script.

Qualifying Leads Efficiently

Outbound sales companies are one of the most, if not the most effective resources for lead qualification. Leads received through any medium such as website, brochure, literature requests or email campaigns can be easily worked upon by a telesales agent. Chances of prospect conversion increases by pre-qualifying these leads on an early basis. This will make your sales reps more productive by weeding out the weak prospects and putting your people in touch with the best ones.

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