Effective Sales Cadence for Sales Leaders: How to Book Meetings with Executives in Just 15 Days (with Sample Scripts)

Effective Sales Cadence for Sales Leaders: How to Book Meetings with Executives in Just 15 Days (with Sample Scripts)

Sales Cadence for Sales Leaders

In B2B lead generation, outreaching the biggest industry markets such as sales leaders and high-level executives is something we do every day. However, booking meetings with these executives can be one of the most significant challenges of your job. With limited time and a high volume of requests, it can be challenging to cut through the noise and get the attention of busy decision-makers. But with the best sales cadences, you can achieve this goal in just 15 days. 

Before we dive into the specifics of sales cadence, it’s important to note that implementing a successful multi-channel lead generation strategy is a critical part of any sales cadence. 

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What is Sales Cadence?

A sales cadence is a strategic approach to sales outreach that involves a series of planned and coordinated steps designed to engage prospects and move them through the sales funnel. It is an essential component of a successful sales process, helping you achieve your revenue targets and drive business growth.

hubspot definition of sales cadence

Key Component of Sales Cadences

The key component of sales cadences includes timing, frequency, and communication channels. To discuss these further:

  • Timing refers to the intervals between outreach attempts, which can vary depending on the type of prospect and the sales cycle stage. 
  • Frequency refers to the number of outreach attempts within a given time frame, and it can help you strike a balance between being persistent and not being too pushy. 
  • Communication channels refer to how you can reach out to sales leaders and high-level executives, including email, phone, social media, and direct messaging.
illustration of key components of sales cadences

By implementing a well-planned sales cadence, you can establish a regular and predictable rhythm of communication with your prospects and increase your chances of booking meetings with executives. It also provides several benefits which include:

  1. Increased efficiency: By creating a systematic approach to outreach, you can ensure that sales leaders and executives are using their time effectively and not wasting resources on unproductive efforts.
  2. Improved lead conversion: A well-crafted sales cadence can help you engage with sales leaders and executives more effectively and increase their chances of converting them into customers.
  3. Enhanced customer experience: A sales cadence that is personalized, timely, and relevant can help you build trust and credibility with sales leaders and execs, leading to a better customer experience.

Overall, understanding sales cadence and its role in a successful sales process is critical if you want to improve your outbound sales cadence outreach efforts and achieve your revenue goals. In the next section, we’ll explore the specific steps involved in creating a sales cadence to book meetings with executives in just 15 days.

Check out this Million-dollar Sales Cadence.

B2B Sales Cadence Results

Here are the results of this B2B sales cadence:

  • Day 1: Out of 100 calls made, 20 prospects were reached, and 5 meetings were booked.
  • Day 2: Out of 100 emails sent, 25 prospects opened the email, and 10 replied, resulting in 3 additional meetings booked.
  • Day 3-5: Out of 50 LinkedIn connection requests sent, 15 prospects were accepted, and 2 meetings were booked.
  • Day 6-8: Out of 20 personalized video messages sent, 10 prospects viewed the video, and 1 meeting was booked.
  • Day 9-11: Out of 50 social media engagements, 10 prospects engaged back, and 2 additional meetings were booked.
  • Day 12-14: Out of 30 follow-up calls made, 5 prospects were reached, and 1 additional meeting was booked.
  • Day 15: Out of 20 last-chance emails sent, 5 prospects opened the email, and 1 additional meeting was booked.
callbox's example of sales cadence

Overall, this sales cadence resulted in 13 meetings booked out of 350 prospects contacted. This is a 3.7% conversion rate, which is considered a successful outcome in B2B sales. Keep in mind that the results can vary depending on factors such as the industry, target audience, and the sales team’s skills and experience. So, if you need help implementing a B2B sales cadence, Callbox offers industry-specific lead generation services and expertise to help businesses grow and reach their sales goals.

Curious about how to create a sales cadence? Check out this winning sales cadence.

How to Create a Sales Cadence that Book Meetings with Executives in 15 Days

Day 1: Initial Call and Voicemail

sample script for initial call and voicemail

The first step is to make an introductory call to your prospect, where you briefly pitch your value proposition and attempt to book a meeting with the executive. This call is aimed at building some urgency by expressing your value proposition and the problem your product/service solves. If you can’t get through, leave a voicemail that summarizes your product/service’s benefits and promises to follow up with an email.

Related: 5 Powerful Telemarketing Spiels To Overcome Any Situation

Day 2: Follow-up Email

sample script for sales follow-up email

On day 2, send a follow-up email that builds on the value proposition you introduced on day 1. Keep the email short, sweet, and to the point, and focus on the benefits your product/service delivers rather than just its features. Provide some available dates and times for a brief chat to schedule the meeting. Don’t forget to thank them for their time.

Remember, sales leaders are often busy and are more likely to respond to a concise sales email. Avoid just listing product features, as this may not resonate with the prospect. By emphasizing the advantages, you’ll increase the likelihood of getting a positive response.

Related: 8 Reasons Why Your Emails May Not be Converting

Day 3-7: Social Media Connection Request

sample script for social media connection request

Connecting with your prospect on social media platforms like LinkedIn can give you more exposure and establish a relationship with them. It also allows you to share content relevant to their industry, which demonstrates your value and keeps you top of mind.

download ebook about social selling on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter

Day 8: Email Follow-up with Case Studies

sample script for email follow-up with case studies

Send an email with relevant case studies to demonstrate your product/service’s effectiveness. The case studies should be about companies that have faced a similar problem as your prospect and successfully solved it using your product/service. This helps build trust and credibility in your offering.

Day 9-11: Additional Social Media Engagement

sample script for social media engagement

At this point in the sales cadence, it’s time to engage with the prospect on social media platforms. Connect with them on LinkedIn, Twitter, and other relevant channels. Like, comment, and share their posts to show your interest in what they do.

Day 12-14: The Personalized Video Email

A personalized video email is a great way to stand out from the crowd and get the attention of the prospect. Use a tool like Vidyard or Loom to record a short video message that highlights the value of your product or service.

Here’s a sample script:

sample script for personalized video email

Related: The Best Way to Use Social Media in B2B Sales Lead Generation

Day 15: The Last Attempt

On the final day of the sales cadence, it’s time for the last attempt to book a meeting with the executive. Send a final email that conveys a sense of urgency and offers an incentive to act now.

Here’s a sample script:

the last attempt

By day 15, you have made a total of 8 touches with the prospect, including phone calls, voicemails, emails, social media engagement, and a personalized video email. At this point, it’s crucial to convey a sense of urgency and offer an incentive to act now.

One important thing to keep in mind throughout the sales cadence is to be persistent but not pushy. If the prospect has shown no interest or has explicitly declined your offer, it’s time to move on to the next lead.

Finally, it’s essential to measure and track your sales cadences effectiveness. Use a CRM tool to track and analyze your results, identify areas for improvement, and refine your approach. With a well-designed sales cadence, you can book meetings with executives in just 15 days and close more deals.

The Best Outbound Sales Cadence: Best Practices for Successful Sales

To achieve success with a sales cadence for booking meetings with executives, it’s essential to follow some best practices. Here are some of the most effective ones:

  1. Personalization: Personalization is crucial when it comes to crafting messaging that resonates with your target executives. Use their names, reference their companies or industries, and tailor your messaging to their specific needs and pain points. This will help you stand out from other sales professionals who are sending generic emails or making cold calls.
  2. Persistence: Persistence is key to ensuring that your sales cadence doesn’t fall off the radar. It’s important to follow up consistently but without being too pushy. Make sure to use a variety of communication channels, such as email, phone calls, and social media, to stay top-of-mind with your target executives.
  3. Avoid Common Mistakes: There are some common mistakes that sales leaders should avoid when implementing a sales cadence. For example, being too pushy can turn off potential clients, while neglecting follow-up can cause them to forget about you. Another mistake to avoid is not conducting enough research or preparation, which can lead to irrelevant messaging or wasted effort.
  4. Use Success Stories: One of the best ways to showcase the effectiveness of your sales cadence is by using success stories. Share examples of how your sales cadence has helped you book meetings with other executives and the positive outcomes that have resulted from those meetings. This will help build credibility and demonstrate the value of your sales cadence.
watch Callbox webinar and learn how to create right sales cadence

In Conclusion,

Booking meetings with executives is a crucial aspect of the sales process. A well-designed sales cadence can significantly increase the chances of booking such meetings within a short timeframe of just 15 days. 

Sales cadence involves timing, frequency, and communication channels, which can be personalized to fit the needs of each executive. 

Creating a successful sales cadence requires research, preparation, and crafting compelling messaging that resonates with the target executives. Persistence and avoiding common mistakes are also essential in ensuring a successful sales cadence. 

By following the strategies and best practices outlined in this article, you can create an efficient and effective sales cadence that can lead to booking meetings with executives within just 15 days. Ultimately, an effective sales cadence can result in higher revenue and increased business success.

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