Are you looking for ways to re-activate the interest of your old customers or prospects to increase your sales and revenue?
The lead nurturing strategies on how to deal with old customers on your pipeline is important in winning them back and convincing them to purchase from your company again.
According to, 50% of Marketing Managers and 30% of Sales Managers cannot identify their company’s percentage of annual customer loss. Those who thought they knew their firm’s defection rates believed that it averaged about 7-8% per year. However, research shows that the average firm loses is between 20 to 40% of its customers per year.
So how do we keep track of our old leads and rekindle our relationship with them?
With the help of our lead nurturing tool, we keep them in touch and get their attention constantly. By creating a scheme of actions in following up the prospects, we were able to reach out to them again.
The period of time as to when to connect with them again varies. And only you can determine the best cycle to re-activate them for your company. For Callbox, we usually give 1 month to reach out after losing touch with your customers. Too much marketing exposure through email, calling, and social media to your customers may turn them off. Of course, we don’t want to flood their inbox with email which will make them decide to delete our email or block us permanently.
Related: Subject Lines that Gets Event Emails Deleted
Here’s how you can re-activate their interest in your company and encourage them to become active again.
Send “Win-Back” Email
Many are saying that reactivating customers through email is not enough. However, sending emails can be effective in encouraging engagement from lapsed customers. Here are some tips on how to win back previously interested customers via email.
Tip 1: Use “We Miss You” in your subject line to make them feel important.
Tip 2: Schedule sending multiple but short and engaging emails showing that you care for winning them back. You can schedule every month for the next 3 months. But never re-engage later than 6 months.
Tip 3: Make it more personal to build connection with your customers again and amplify your brand. Here’s an example of the template that we use when sending out follow-up emails to lapsed customers.

Related: AskCallbox: What makes an effective lead nurturing program?
Reconnect through Social Media
Use LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter, etc to reconnect with previously interested customers. However, be extra careful when reconnecting with them as reactivating them through social media can be inappropriate. Here’s how to do it the right way.
Tip 1: Find out what they want when they first expressed their interest to your company. Social networking sites analytics will surely give you an idea of your audience’s top interest. Below is a screenshot of my Twitter analytics.

Tip 2: Use the things they’re interested in when they first expressed interest with our company such as the products or services they inquire at that time. Update them by posting about it on social media or share your recent case studies with solid facts and statistics.
Create Good Quality Content to Lure Them Back
Remind them of what they’re interested in and entice them by creating quality content, even better if you could craft content related to their industry and try posting them on your website. You can also send them content via email and put a CTA (call to action) to direct them back to your website.
Example: The 5 to 5 Calling Rule for Inbound Leads (That Generated Over 40% Increase in Sales)

Customers come and go regardless what business you’re into. There are several ways on how to re-activate lapsed customers. Right timing in delivering the right message is the key. Reconnecting with them through multiple marketing channels will help you win them back in no time.
Check this out! Turning Targets to Sales-Ready Leads with a 50% Shorter Lead Nurturing Cycle [Case Study]