Winning Targeted B2B Lead Generation Recipe to Grow Your Business


I’m sure we can all relate to the feeling of coming home a little too late from work, hungry but too tired to put together an elaborate dish with too many ingredients, and taking too long to cook. Good thing there are many yummy dishes you can make in no time that won’t take too much time nor too many ingredients — like a one-pot spaghetti dish!

When it comes to lead generation services, the feeling is quite mutual. You want (and need) to focus more on operations, producing quality content for your customers, and directing all your efforts into sales that adding lead generation to the mix seems too much. The good news is that successful lead generation doesn’t require too many complicated steps. 

So today let me walk you through our fool-proof recipe for a successful lead generation.

Box of Prospects

You’d want only the best ingredients, so it’s also just as equally important to know where to get the best. Know exactly which specific companies or accounts to target. Once you’ve found your prospects, find out who the different decision-makers involved in the buying process are so you’ll know exactly who to talk to.

A Whole Jar of Tactics

First impressions are everything! Polish up on your approach tactics. For example, integrate a more personalized approach like adding a personalized video to your emails makes your audience instantly feel more understood and their work acknowledged. Even your automated replies should have a more personalized touch to them as well. Lastly, don’t shy away from having multiple channels for a wider scope of engagement with your prospects and to build good business relationships with them.

A Dash of Outbound

There is a reason (or several for that matter) why outbound campaigns are more effective and the way to go. To name the six main factors that set outbound campaigns apart from the rest are as follows:

  • Accurate and up-to-date prospect lists
  • Targeted messaging and content
  • Seamless experience across different channels
  • Data-driven lead nurturing workflow
  • Robust tools for carrying out and managing the campaign
  • Clear Customer profiles and buyer personas

Sharpened Tools

No lead generation would be complete without a set of great tools in your arsenal. It’s always best to invest in only the best tools technology has to offer. Here are some of the best tools specifically for lead generation.


An effective email marketing tool isn’t merely limited to just sending out automated emails and responses, it also helps you gain higher deliverability, minimize spam complaints/bounces, and maintain your list.

Social Media

B2B buyer’s purchase decisions heavily rely on social media as they use it to carefully evaluate their options, pros, and cons. Your social media activities need to be carried out and managed regularly using tools such as Buffer, Oktopost, and BuzzSumo that can help you handle scheduling, engagement, analytics, security, and collaboration.


It’s important that the SEO part of your marketing program is always supported by the best tools for the job considering that your websites and landing pages are the core of inbound lead generation efforts. Include tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console, Sumo, Crazy Egg.

Lead Management and Nurturing

Most important of all, a good lead management/nurturing tool ties together every single activity and other tools involved in your lead generation program. It provides you with a single and complete picture of each prospect, lead, or opportunity as they make their way through your sales funnel. Examples of great lead management/nurturing tools are HubSpot CRM, Marketo, and Salesforce Essentials.

Servings of Conversion

Once you’ve gathered all your prospects and qualified them it’s time to successfully convert them into buyers. The key to converting the right quantity of your leads is by understanding how they start their purchase journey. Usually, B2B buyers are already 70% into their buying journey before they reach out to a vendor, and by the time some from your company reach out to them, they’ve most likely already made up their minds.

Since they spend most of their buying journey alone researching and looking for solutions, it’s crucial for you to become proactive and connect with your possible leads before they decide to knock on your door. It’s proven that 50% of the sales always go to the vendors that reach out first. So, get to them first before it’s too late and their minds are already made up.

And voila! There you have, your simple recipe for a highly successful lead generation. We actively use these tactics and they have always proven themselves effective. We hope that they will also prove themselves helpful to you!

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