How to Build a Strong Network of Telecom Leads Using Social Media

How to Build a Strong Network of Telecom Leads Using Social Media (Featured Image)

Having difficulties generating leads for your telecom company even after following everything in the book to a T? You’ve exhausted all your options and still can’t see any significant results? Maybe it’s time to embrace utilizing your social media platforms to their full potential. How you may ask? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We have compiled and put together tips and strategies on how you can generate B2B telecom leads using social media. Find out more about the importance and relevance of using social media in modern telecom lead generation here.

The way of marketing has changed in all the best ways. It is far from what it used to be 20 to 30 years ago, but the struggle of lead generation was never a stranger to those who have worked in Telecom B2B business long enough. The good news is that Marketing and PR have dramatically changed because the internet has changed and evolved. The internet is no longer constricted to stationary computers anymore and it has evolved to the adoption of smartphones and real-time marketing. And yet, even with all the modern technology at our disposal, many telecoms still use outdated and ineffective means to acquire leads.

As it is with just about anything nowadays, social media plays a big role in B2B lead generation in every market as it is useful for both PR for your telecom industry and for lead generation. Your buyers spend a lot of time immersed in social media and trying to keep up with its changes. You as a business owner, a marketer, or a salesperson should do the same.

To give you more insight, here are 5 ways you can use social media for B2B telecom lead generation.

Who are they?

Using the top social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are highly recommended tools to use for B2B telecom companies to use. To determine who your possible candidates are, start off by creating a profile of your target prospects. Use key indicators which include their company name, job title, location, and shared connections. Once you’ve done that, weigh out those indicators to help you locate your potential clients on social media.

By using LinkedIn, you’ll find quality prospects by locating their company employees in senior buying positions, as well as monitoring professional groups that are industry-specific. With Twitter, configuring paid ads to target users will make it easier to find your prospects based on their profiles, connections, companies, location, and interests.

This post gives a step-by-step guide on how to generate B2B leads using a combination of phone, email and LinkedIn

Helpful Content

Like we always emphasize with using social media, content is of utmost importance. It’s about more than just pumping out one post after the other. It’s all about offering content that is also helpful and offers your clients advice. Once you’ve been able to identify all your prospects, the next step is to engage with them. It’s very easy. Observe their page, comment on their content, and always answer their questions. You can also engage in discussions with them about the newest technology and share content that’s designed to guide them through their decision-making process.

Connect and Reconnect

While social media is a great way to connect with new people, it’s also a great way to reconnect with and upsell existing customers that you might have. Try to find your top-tier customers on social media and interact with them on a more regular basis. This not only boosts up your relationship with them but also makes you a more reliable telecom company to work with. An even greater advantage is that building your customer relationships will garner you a higher and steadier lead generation for your brand.

Nurture and Follow-up

Compile a list of all your prospects and make sure you keep a tab on them. You don’t want to lose them after the first initial contact. Send them follow-up messages; stay in touch all without having to be disruptive. In cases of promotion, new hire, or sharing of relevant content, you can let your sales team reach out to your prospects, providing them with the information they need.

Boost your telecom sales leads with this proven lead generation strategy.

When you do Telecom lead generation, you have to go all-out on it. Like we said, social media plays a big role. In addition to your social media sites, your own website is also of utmost importance. The content that you create and post onto your social media should include links that will take your prospects directly to your website to create more traffic for you, thus, also more leads.

Take your content marketing into consideration as well. It has been shown that it costs 62% less than traditional marketing, generating up to 3 times more leads according to Demandmetric. Stick to sharing relevant content for both you and your prospects on third-party sites and this will help you gain recognition as “thought leaders” in the industry. See some marketing trends for telecom companies.

It’s important that you build content that speaks to the future as much as it speaks to the present. Your telecom solution may have large and small benefits to your prospective buyer, and your content should also highlight these benefits.

And finally, your content should address the direction your telecom brand wants to take for the future. Strive to inspire your potential buyers by showing them where your brand is headed. Remember that people are more convinced if a brand has a clear vision of where it stands and where it wants to go. If the see the conviction with which you lead your brand, and you won’t even have to do much convincing anymore. They will just naturally gravitate towards you.