Black Friday and Thanksgiving Tips for Lead Gen Success

Black Friday and Thanksgiving Tips for Lead Gen Success

The Holiday Season, which is eagerly anticipated by companies, is currently in full swing. Thanksgiving and Black Friday are approaching quickly. To withstand the severe market rivalry, brands must be ready in advance with their finest ideas. Wait no longer if you are also considering developing a Thanksgiving and Black Friday lead generation campaign!

This year’s Christmas shopping is anticipated to generate larger revenues than in past seasons. Since every company wants to take advantage of the chance of higher sales during the holiday season, it will be the busiest time of year for all marketers.

You’ve come to the perfect spot if you’re seeking advice or suggestions on holiday lead generation as you plan your Thanksgiving tactics for 2022.

We’ll go through our best Thanksgiving and Black Friday lead generation advice in the piece that follows, which will help you make the most of the season by optimizing your efforts.

Get Your Website Ready to Go

Slow websites should never be used! Slow-loading websites are a major turnoff for visitors and may cause them to leave. A visitor can exit the website in as little as three seconds. Yes, a visitor will abandon a website in just 3 seconds if it doesn’t load in that time.

Audit the website to make sure it’s not taking longer than necessary to load. Make sure your website is ready to handle the higher interaction rate throughout the Season by working on it.

Maintain a regular updating schedule for your website and check for faults. Since a slow-loading website may also cause you to receive unfavorable ratings.

Check out the ways to improve productivity during holidays.

Time to get Creative

Social networking sites have a significant impact on Christmas season sales. Although optimizing your website is beneficial, you should also encourage users to visit your social media accounts throughout the Christmas season. To draw viewers in, update them all with information related to Thanksgiving.

Outbound Lead Generation Tactics

Outbound lead generation has been frequently viewed as inbound lead generation’s more obtrusive, less effective sibling. While it’s true that poorly executed outbound lead generation can ultimately hurt rather than help your business, a successful outbound strategy frequently results in a more specialized sales approach and higher customer lifetime value. Even more so during the Holiday season. 

So, find out here the best outbound lead generation strategy for your business.

Let’s have a look at how you can optimize your outbound lead generation tactics this thanksgiving and black Friday:

Warm Welcomes with Social Media

Another excellent resource for welcoming introductions to prospects is social media. Not only is it simple to immediately confirm someone’s work duties, but you can also design your profile to build brand recognition, which can be more difficult to do over the phone.

Cold Emails for the Holidays

Campaigns for email marketing are a fantastic opportunity to speak with outbound leads directly. Even better than phone calls in grabbing a lead’s attention is a great email.

First of all, a successful cold email ought to be timely. No matter how excellent the information is, it makes no sense to contact potential customers on a vacation or when they’re otherwise unlikely to purchase a new service.

Make sure your cold emails are as personalized as possible, like with any outbound lead generation channels. The more relevant your email is to the recipient, the more likely it is that they will read it rather than immediately flag it as spam.

Learn how boost your sales in holiday campaign with AI-powered B2B marketing strategies.

A Warm Hello with Cold Calling

Contrary to popular belief, cold calling is still used. In reality, it still works well for increasing sales and expanding your company.

After all, speaking with your prospects directly is the best approach to finding out more information about them. You can learn more about the prospect’s priorities and issues by asking about their pain areas.

Then, make use of this knowledge to modify your sales presentation so that it takes into account these specific pain spots and how your service or product may benefit them.

Make use of Content Syndication

Distributing your material to a bigger target audience is referred to as content syndication. You share your greatest content to ensure that the proper people learn about your company.

In order to increase the number of leads coming to your website, content syndication combines inbound (articles) and outbound (marketing) strategies.

Spread your material through newsletters and social media, as opposed to only producing information and hoping leads will discover you.

Multichannel is The Way to Go

You may communicate with your clients utilizing a balanced combination of both direct and indirect messaging by employing many channels using multichannel marketing

You can raise brand recognition, increase customer retention, and provide your prospects a positive customer experience by using multichannel outreach. You may utilize a combination of media platforms, messaging services, cold calls, and advertisements to create outbound leads.

The benefit of multichannel communication is that you may select the venues and channels that work best for you and your target audience.

It is totally up to you to decide on a combination of channels, whether it makes sense given your present workforce or is better for your budget.

Related: How to Generate Leads Faster with this Proven Outbound Workflow

Making Use of LinkedIn

Particularly in the B2B sector, one of the biggest platforms and most effective tools for networking with like-minded people and identifying new clients is LinkedIn.

Additionally, you can utilize LinkedIn automating tools to quickly engage with prospects, boost your sales, and get more recommendations on LinkedIn, much like there are social media optimization techniques and email marketing tools.

For outbound sales, LinkedIn may be a veritable treasure. Whether or not it is the holiday season, you should be able to locate and contact your sales opportunities on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Omnichannel Outreach Campaigns

This outreach effort is somewhat similar to the one above, but in this case, we’ll use email as part of an omnichannel campaign to contact our sales prospects.

Dynamic Placeholders for Personalization

One of the most crucial aspects of conducting LinkedIn outreach is personalization.

However, the majority of individuals merely use their first and last names, which is scarcely surface-level personalization. LinkedIn marketers are accustomed to it and can spot a tacky sales template a mile away.

Automate your Follow-ups

In general, following up is one of the best sales strategies. You haven’t completed the transaction just because you got your leg in the door.

Similar to how you shouldn’t stop messaging someone simply because they confirmed your request on LinkedIn as well as viewed your message. They could have missed your original message, became preoccupied, or not responded at all.

LinkedIn follow-up is an exercise in tenacity. We advise no more than five follow-ups. The fifth one will be the last follow-up informing them that you won’t be contacting them again.

Related: Top Lead Generation Strategies for LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter in 2023


There you have it, then! We believe that this post has provided you with some quick and easy methods for increasing your outbound lead generation.

The majority of the time, inbound marketing is insufficient. You may make an impression on your audience by using outbound marketing. Through outbound marketing, you’ll be able to interact with and identify qualified leads as well.

Engage with the audience this Thanksgiving by posting something original and interesting on social media. To increase your exposure and reach, include the aforementioned advice in your lead generation campaigns for Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

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