How was 2015 for you? We hope it was awesome as it was for us. Looking back, we noted a few trends from leading marketing personalities. From content, email, video to social media, we’ve come across good and bad things that happened to marketing.
Let’s reminisce what went through in 2015.
The Rise of Video
First, there were photos. Now, videos. If you didn’t get enough selfies in 2014, then you don’t have a Snapchat account or were not into Periscope at all. In fact, Periscope is Apple iTunes’ App of the Year. According to eMarketer (and contrary to belief!), people spend more time on digital videos than on social media.
Don’t believe us? Here are some stats to get you thinking.
The Obsession on Content Marketing
Content Marketing continued to revolutionize many things: Customer service, customer-centricity, relevance and a whole lot more. There is still that content relevance confusion and the challenge on producing enough and more relevant content out there.
Related: New B2B Content Marketing Research: Focus on Documenting Your Strategy
Data Analytics
Still elusive as talents still are a challenge, marketing though has stressed the importance of relying on data instead of gut feel alone when it comes to actionable marketing. Earlier this year, an article on Forbes, IDC and The International Institute of Analytics forecasted $125 Billion industry for data analytics. This is now wonder. So in 2016, are you going to invest in tools or talents?

Technology in Marketing
What with Data Analytics rising importance, there is confusion whether tools are more important than talent. This is how technology is affecting how we do marketing. In other scenarios, HubSpot rose to disrupt the inbound marketing tactics, but this year also introduced their entry into the Customer Relationship management technology. This just goes to show that marketing is going to be armed with more than just publishing tools but predictability and data tools as well. These tools, previously at the hands of sales people only, are brought to marketing as well.
Anticipating 2016
There are a number of trends that we can think of but these four came to prominence. How did these affect your Marketing in 2015? And how are these going to impact your 2016 marketing strategies. Add your comments below and let’s share some perky ideas. Happy New Year!
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