The Lead Generation Center of Excellence

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As a company grows, marketing functions are dispersed throughout the organization. Some companies, for example, may employ social media experts both locally and at corporate headquarters. 

A center of excellence (COE) brings individuals from several disciplines together and offers common facilities and resources. In academics, it’s known as a “competency center” or “capability center.”

Why Do You Need a Center of Excellence (CoE)

Why you need a canter of excellence

Despite the concurrent growth of multiple abilities, teams tend to function in silos as firms get more complex, not sharing their knowledge. CoEs identify crucial areas and pool internal resources so that they can be shared across organizations. This not only boosts organizational productivity, but it also gives customers a more consistent experience across the board, which benefits both B2B and B2C customers.

Once a CoE is in place, it’s easy to uncover internal resources that can be pooled and shared among groups. This resource pooling boosts internal efficiency while also giving clients of B2B and B2C firms a more consistent experience.

A CoE provides a structure for members to evaluate, experiment, and motivate one another to attain excellence. Its primary goal is to encourage advancement and innovation.

Companies utilize CoEs for a range of things, such as implementing, managing, and utilizing new technology, or adapting, managing, and utilizing a specific or unique concept or talent.

Related: 7 Actionable Tips to Better Manage Outsourced Marketing Campaigns

The Lead Generation Center of Excellence

Unlike in the past, when lead generation was limited to a single channel or two, today’s multi-channel, multi-touch lead generation approach requires a great deal of cross-collaboration.

In essence, your Center of Excellence for Lead Generation will provide the leadership, best practices, research, strategic and technical support, etc.– from the initial planning to the final results.

Modern and process-driven lead generation requires an entire Center of Excellence to function.

Lead Generation Head

The Lead Generation Head is in charge of establishing, implementing, and monitoring your lead generation campaign, as well as ensuring that your project’s goals are reached.

Production Manager

Your Production Manager is responsible for overseeing the critical components of your campaign and ensuring that they all operate together smoothly.

Sales Development (SDR)

So that your sales team can focus on the proper leads, your dedicated SDR is in charge of outreach, prospecting, nurturing, and lead qualification.

Email Marketer

Your Email Specialist is in charge of planning and implementing email marketing campaigns, including copywriting, design, and testing to ensure that your target audience receives engaging emails.

Social Media Marketer

Your Social Media Marketer is in charge of maintaining your social media accounts, including creating and managing profiles, developing relationships, joining and contributing to relevant groups/forums, and gathering and validating information.

Operations, Research and Data Analyst

They’re the ones (behind the scenes) in charge of list building, technology setup, automation, CRM tagging/mapping, tracking, reporting, and measuring results.

Quality Analyst

Every lead generation asset (contact list, email copy, scripts, landing sites, images, social profile, call quality, leads, and appointments) is checked to verify that it fulfills the defined quality standards necessary to effectively represent your business and deliver your message on point.

Related: Sales Enablement: 8 Ways to Help Your Sales Team Sell More

The Takeaway

The Lead Generation Center of Excellence will be implemented in stages, beginning with selecting team members, arranging regular meetings, defining goals and timetables, and ending with the creation of a resources hub for sharing beneficial information.

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