People are the most valuable asset that any organization or company will ever have. However, selling HR solutions doesn’t necessarily mean that your prospect has to have problems with their people.
Let’s take a look at how you can strategically position your HR solutions to your prospects and how you can grow your sales today.
Compliance Versus Features
One of the most important things that HR has to manage is compliance because companies always run a risk of getting sued by their employees. However, as much as HR teams focus on compliance, that’s not exactly what they live for.
HR cares about creating and maintaining the company culture, making the work-life balance workable for employees, and boosting the overall welfare of everyone in the company. It’s not all about compliance with them.
Focus on the personality of the product that you are pitching
It would be great if the HR solution that you are selling to them won’t get them sued or will keep their likelihood of getting sued to the minimum, but this is not what their department is about.
Focus on the personality of the product that you are pitching and how it will help them make their lives better in the company.
Featured Case Study: SaaS HR Firm Speeds Past 2.5x Sales Pipeline Growth with Callbox
Features Versus Value
B2B is reliant on this statement that sometimes we feel as if it is turning into a golden rule. Your product might have all the features that any organization will ever need, but if it is unable to solve a pain point that they have, it will not be worth a lot to them.
If you think about it, the features can already sell themselves alone, but it takes research, questions, and numerous meetings to find out what a company needs before you can establish how they can use your HR solution to make their lives easier. You have to find what sort of value they are looking for from the product that you are offering them.
Once you’ve secured this value proposition, it will be so much easier for you to make the sale.
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Not Selling to HR (Wait, what?)
We all love it when our product is the best and the latest. If we did our product research thoroughly, we probably know every technical term that goes along with it. However, you have to understand that you are speaking to the HR department and not the IT department.
When you are talking to the heads of the department, they don’t want to know every single detail of the algorithm that you use or the technical specifications. They want you to understand how they can use your solutions to solve their problems.
The more you confuse, the more they will be ambivalent to the pitch that you have. If HR stops caring about the pitch, they’ll soon stop caring about what you have to offer.
Not Helping HR Sell (Wait, what? Part 2)
Remember this: the HR department might use your product, but they are not usually the ones in charge of purchasing it. You have to help them bring your idea to the people in charge of greenlighting their purchase order. They won’t be able to do this if you do not help them.
Provide them with data, evidence, and real-life examples that will help them bring the point across to the involved stakeholders that your solution will help make sure that their operations are efficient.
Think of it as preparing them for the pitch. You have to equip them, but you can’t forcibly train them – also please don’t tell them you’re teaching them.
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One stereotype that usually holds true for people in the HR community is that they are relatively friendlier than other departments (go figure) and this gives you enough leverage to start making friends with people from the HR community.
Just because you were not able to make a sale doesn’t mean that a lead is wasted. Usually, they are networked with other people, and they can even help you get a referral. The important thing here is to be able to build a real connection with them. Do not be afraid to get personal.
Also, network on LinkedIn, a lot of them spend plenty of time there, and it helps if you can build the right presence on the professional social media networking platform.
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Selling HR solutions is not that difficult, and it commonly follows the rules of most B2B and SaaS services out there. However, since you are selling an HR solution, you must be able to embody that brand that your product is attempting to get across.
Once you get your point across, nurturing your lead should not be that difficult. Build the relationship, and the product will soon sell itself. You’re selling a people tool, so you have to be good with people, too.