4 Email Closing Lines That Close Deals (Backed by Concrete Results)

4 Email Closing Lines That Close Deals (Backed by Concrete Results)

Here’s the Thing:

Did you know that our brain tends to remember the information that came last more clearly than those that came first, known as the recency effect?

That’s why the last impression of your email is crucial in defining whether or not your prospects react to it. While creating a strong email opening or subject line is equally important, email closing lines serve a different purpose: they make the prospects want to engage in a conversation and take action.

That is why choosing the right sales email closing lines can significantly impact the message you’re trying to convey. If your email concludes with a less-than-ideal ending, it may not be as impactful. Consequently, such emails are prone to be overlooked and deleted.

So, the question that remains is, how to end a sales email effectively?

But before that, let us first discuss why an email closing sentence is important (or you can jump right to what you need).

Why Does Business Email Closing Lines Matter?

Email closing lines are a critical part of any business email. They can be used to express appreciation, create a sense of urgency, or build strong relationships with the recipient. The best closing lines for business emails should be carefully crafted and tailored to the specific message and recipient.

example of a closing line

When crafting an effective email closing line, it is important to consider the tone and purpose of your message. For example, if you are sending a ‘thank-you’ note, it is important to use words that express genuine appreciation and gratitude.

Additionally, if you are sending an email with an urgent request or deadline, it is important to include language that conveys a sense of urgency and importance. By taking the time to craft effective email closing lines, you can ensure that your messages will be well-received by the recipient and leave them with a positive impression of your communication skills.

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Elements of a Good Email Closing Line

man with good email closing lines

When it comes to crafting effective professional email closing lines, certain elements can make a big difference in how your message is received. By considering factors such as personalization, clarity, relevance, tone, and length, you can create a closing line that not only leaves a positive impression on the recipient but also helps move your sales process forward.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these elements and how they can be applied to your professional email.

#1 Personalization:

A good email closing line should be personalized, meaning it should address the recipient by name and use a friendly and conversational tone. By doing so, you can establish a more personal connection with the recipient and make them feel valued.

#2 Clarity:

A good email closing line should be clear and concise, meaning it should clearly convey the purpose of the email and what action, if any, you expect the recipient to take. Clarity can help avoid confusion or miscommunication and make it easier for the recipient to respond appropriately.

#3 Relevance:

A good email closing line should be relevant, meaning it should tie back to the content of the email or the recipient’s interests or needs. By making the closing line relevant to the recipient, you can show that you understand their situation and are offering a tailored solution or next step.

#4 Tone:

A good email closing line should strike the right tone, meaning it should be friendly and professional, without being overly formal or casual. Finding the right tone can help establish trust and credibility with the recipient and make them more likely to respond positively to your email.

#5 Length:

A good email closing line should be brief and to the point, meaning it should not be too long or too short. A closing line that is too long can come across as overly eager or pushy, while a closing line that is too short can come across as abrupt or uninterested.

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Types of Email Closing Lines

illustration for types of email closing lines

There are three main types of email closing lines. These are direct, indirect, and action-oriented. The type of email closing line you choose will depend on the specific situation and the desired outcome.

Direct Email Closing Lines

Direct closing lines are best used when you want to be clear and specific about what you’re asking for. 

It explicitly asks for a response or action from the recipient. These types of closing lines are best used when you want to make it clear that you are expecting a specific response from the recipient. Examples of direct closing lines include:

  • “Please let me know if this works for you.”
  • “Can you confirm your availability for next week?”
  • “I’d appreciate it if you could get back to me by Friday.”

Using a direct closing line can help to clarify the purpose of your email and increase the likelihood that you’ll get the response or action you’re looking for.

Related: What is an Elevator Pitch?

Indirect Email Closing Lines

Indirect closing lines are best used when you want to establish a positive relationship with the recipient and are more subtle and often express gratitude or appreciation. These types of closing lines are best used when you want to show the recipient that you value their time and effort and that you appreciate their consideration. Examples of indirect closing lines include:

  • “Thank you for your time and consideration.”
  • “I appreciate you taking the time to review my proposal.”
  • “Your input has been invaluable.”

Using an indirect closing line can help to establish a positive relationship with the recipient and create a sense of goodwill, which can be beneficial for building long-term relationships.

Check out this email marketing playbook for generating leads.

Action-Oriented Email Closing Lines

Action-oriented closing lines are best used when you want to move the conversation forward and encourage the recipient to take the next step. These types of closing lines are best used when you want to move the conversation forward and encourage the recipient to take the next step. Examples of action-oriented closing lines include:

  • “Click here to schedule a call.”
  • “Let’s set up a meeting to discuss further.”
  • “I’ll follow up with you next week to discuss further.”

Using an action-oriented closing line can help you to move the sales process forward and increase the chances of closing a deal.

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Closing Line Tweaks That Boost Response Rates

Of course, before we proceed with the closing lines that closed deals, let us first go over a few proven ways to tweak your B2B email closing lines. The reasoning behind these suggestions is sound, and actual results show they’re quite effective at boosting reply and response rates.

#1. Insert your recipient’s first name

You’ve probably tried using your recipients’ first names in your subject line and gotten some pretty decent open rates. Personalization works for closing lines, too, and can help boost your email’s response metrics.

That’s because, according to FMRI scans, people tend to feel more engaged toward messages that mention them by name. Email tracking software provider Yesware strengthens this finding with their analysis. They find that emails are more likely to produce above-average reply rates if the copy mentions the recipient’s first name more than once.

#2. Point to a clear direction

n most B2B emails, CTAs form the email closing line. That’s why closings need to focus on a clear and specific action you want your readers to take.

It’s easy to chalk this up to common sense, but there’s some fairly solid evidence behind email response rates and closing line clarity. Data from WordStream shows that emails with a single CTA increase click by 371%.

So, instead of using an open-ended question like “When would you be available for a call?”, close your emails with something more specific like “Can we hop on a 10-minute call this Friday at 10 a.m.?”. The latter gives your recipients a clear option and asks for a simple yes-or-no answer.

#3. Sign off with gratitude

In a typical workday, the average email recipient gets as many as 121 messages and spends up to 6.3 hours checking emails. That means you should be grateful to the recipient for opening your email.

But signing off with “thank you” is more than good manners. It’s also an effective way to get a response. That’s what the team behind the email scheduling app Boomerang concludes after analyzing email closing lines in over 350,000 email threads.

They report that emails which end with some variation of “thank you” tend to fetch response rates between 63% to 65% (almost 1.3 times better than emails signed off with “Best”).

Best Email Closing Lines for Closing Deals

Now, let’s discuss the sample email to close a deal in the actual campaign.  These business email closing lines have a proven track record of turning prospects into customers (or kick-starting that process), so they’re great sources of closing line ideas for your email copies.

#1. The CUSP Closing (Clear, Uncluttered, Short, Personal)

This first closing line example comes from a cold email template written by Salesfolk founder Heather R. Morgan. The template lays claim to some pretty decent results: a response rate of 21% and a total of 16 new customers added.

example of clear, uncluttered, short, and personal closing line

To see why the closing line for this template works so well, we have to look at it in the context of the entire copy. The closing builds on the benefit mentioned in the preceding paragraph. It cuts right to the chase and points to the next step (although the closing could have suggested a specific date and time for the call). Plus, the closing line even throws in a bit of personalization for good measure.

For a free downloadable sales email template, you may want out check out the ‘40 B2B Sales Email Templates for Every Situation [Free PDF].’

#2. Closing with credibility

Creative strategist Jake Jorgovan knows a thing or two about emails that seal the deal. He shares a cold email template he uses that helped him win over $12,000 in consulting deals. 

What’s even more interesting is that the template also landed him some Fortune 500 clients. Part of his cold email’s success lies in its closing line.

examples of closing lines with credibility

This email closing has a lot going for it, but its most important feature is that it points the recipient to a relevant case study. This lets the sender build credibility by offering social proof, which is an effective way to improve not only response rates but conversions as well.

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#3. Closing with a sense of urgency

Fahad Mohammed, CEO at Bay Street Brands, gives a perfect example of how to nudge prospects toward action with a strong email closing line. This is how he ends his sales emails, and this closing tactic produces a whopping 60% success rate:

example of closing lines with a sense of urgency

Notice how the closing strongly emphasizes what the prospect stands to gain from making the decision right now. Of course, this approach works best when used on sales-qualified leads (i.e., prospects with an urgent need, fit, and authority) at the final stages of the purchase cycle.

#4. A closing line that leaves a lasting impression

example of closing line that leaves a lasting impression

If there’s one person to turn to for email copywriting inspiration, that would have to be Contentrific founder John Chen. With clients like Apple and Microsoft under his fold, it’s fair to say he’s probably doing something right with the way he closes his emails. In fact, one of his signature email closings (see below) yields an impressive 75% to 80% reply rate.

What makes this closing line so effective? It lets you (your company or solution) stand out, not only against the competition but also against the status quo. Oftentimes, when prospects are in the decision-making phase (when they’ve already gone through the business reasons for choosing your product or service), setting yourself apart can be the only thing you need to get prospects to sign the dotted line.

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Tips for Crafting Effective Email Closing Lines

illustration for crafting effective email closing lines

Crafting effective email closing lines can be the key to closing deals and building relationships with potential customers. The closing line is often the last thing the recipient will read, so it’s important to make it count. Here are some tips for crafting your email closing lines:

  • Keep it brief and to the point: Email closing lines should be concise and easy to understand. Avoid using long, complex sentences or industry jargon that may confuse the recipient. Keep the closing line short and sweet, and make sure it is easy to read.
  • Use a friendly and professional tone: While it’s important to keep the closing line professional, it’s also important to use a friendly tone. This can help to establish a rapport with the recipient and make them more likely to respond positively. Avoid using overly formal language that may come across as cold or distant.
  • Tailor the closing line to the specific recipient and situation: One size does not fit all when it comes to email closing lines. It’s important to tailor the closing line to the specific recipient and situation. For example, if you are emailing a potential client, you may want to include a closing line that references their specific needs or interests.
  • Use a call-to-action to encourage the recipient to take the next step: A call-to-action is a statement that encourages the recipient to take a specific action. In the context of email closing lines, a call-to-action can encourage the recipient to reply, schedule a call, or take some other action that can help to move the sales process forward. Make sure the call-to-action is clear and easy to understand.


The recency effect underscores the importance of the last impression your email leaves, making it crucial in determining whether your prospects will react to it. Therefore, selecting the right email closing lines is essential for ensuring your message is both impactful and memorable.

To achieve this, effective email closing lines should be personalized, clear, relevant, appropriately toned, and concise. Generally, there are three main types of email closing lines: direct, indirect, and action-oriented. The choice of which type to use will depend on the specific situation and desired outcome. 

By crafting these lines thoughtfully, you can leave a positive impression on the recipient, thereby increasing the likelihood of eliciting the desired response or action.

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