Help Feed PH


Let’s share a little of what we have, and help families survive this pandemic.

There’s an increasing number of COVID-19 affected individuals daily and this pandemic just got even scarier. Thousands of lives have been lost and thousands more are at risk. We know that this crisis is global, but we also know that there are some countries that are more vulnerable. One of which is the Philippines.

As non-essential businesses shut down because of the quarantine, it’s even a greater challenge for families to find a means to support their food costs. For most employees working in the informal sector, no work means no pay. And no pay means no food. How else would a 39 year old father of 3 who barely reached high school find an extra gig with the risk of bringing home an infectious disease instead of food if they leave the house.

Large families whose members sleep side-by-side and can barely eat once on a regular pre-pandemic day are in even more difficult situations. While most of us are cooking a new recipe and enjoying our slumbers during this quarantine, a lot of Filipino families are stuck in shacks no bigger than a flatbed truck house with empty stomachs packed like bees in a hive and even little to no access to clean water.

The Covid-19 pandemic is hitting the poor the hardest and exposing the gaping inequities in access to food, clean water, shelter, and health care.

These families need our help

Help Feed PH is a fundraising to help underprivileged families in Davao City and Iloilo City who are severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our goal is to raise $30,000 for 1000 families, 500 in Iloilo City and 500 in Davao City. With your help, we are planning to:

  • Distribute food packs to 1000 families
  • Each food pack contains a week’s worth of food (rice, vegetable, canned goods) and vitamin supplements for a regular Filipino family.
  • Targeting to strengthen their immune system with food and the right vitamins will help protect these families from getting the virus.

Now more than ever, we should get together and do the best we can to extend our help to those in need.


Callbox Cares

For years now, it has been Callbox’s commitment to always give back to the community. All year round both our operation sites in Iloilo City and Davao City in the Philippines carry out feeding programs, help deliver relief goods, and conduct after-school learning projects.

With the belief that for us to grow and prosper, we have to look around and lift the community that surrounds us well, we continue to extend our helping hand.

Check out some of our community outreach here:

Callbox Cares Hope in the Midst of Despair, Standing with Guimaras (Featured Image)
Callbox Cares: Feeding and Relief Operation for Fire Victims in San Juan Molo
Callbox Pays It Forward

If you want to make your donations though phone, please reach us through

+1 (888) 810-7464

You can also send your donations through our GoGetFunding and GoFundme campaign.