How are digital strategies evolving with the integration of new technologies into the marketing world? [GUEST POST]

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Digital economy is growing at a rate 10 times faster than the traditional job opportunities. Almost 50% of all businesses and industries do not have a worked out digital strategy and this creates a massive opportunity for the digital market-savvy to secure lucrative jobs.

As far as 2016 was concerned, almost 900,000 new digital marketing jobs emerged due to the lack of trained individuals who could tackle the digitization of the country’s market and economy. Standing in the dawn of 2017, if you are one of a few thousand individuals who are currently aspiring a career in digital marketing then you should consider the following tips.

Always stay one step ahead of your competitors

To stay on top of industry updates and latest news you need to follow all late digital marketing sites and people. Google has changed its algorithm about 500-600 times in the last 2 years and if you do not keep a lookout you will soon be under a huge pile of changes you have no idea how to tackle. Start with Moz, PPC Hero, Search Engine Land, Hubspot, SEO Gadget and Social Media Today for the latest news on social media updates and algorithm changes.

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Revolutionize content

Content is an integral part of digital marketing. Your customers will judge you to a great extent based on the quality of your content. However, thanks to drastically shortening of attention spans you need to entice your readers and followers within 2 seconds or you will lose out on website traffic. Digital signage has ushered in a revolution in content that allows the transition of the digital barrier into the physical world. This is more popularly being referred to as “Digical” (digital + physical), that is being used in dominos, Macy’s, Wal-Mart and Barnes & Noble’s.

Related: You Can’t Hit Two Birds with One Stone: Creating Content for Demand Gen & Lead Gen

Define your network

Start small on social media networks like Facebook, twitter and Instagram by following your target audience, current customers and potential consumers. To increase your reach start following social media influencers who can share your post with millions with one small click.

Attend all kinds of “social meets”, webinars, and conferences and share the news to build and nurture valuable relationships online.

Related: SOCIAL INFLUENCERS: The Powers-That-Be

Build your own brand

To make sure that your followers recognize you as a digital marketing expert, make sure you start defining your online presence quite early. This is called personal brand building and you can begin this process by optimizing your personal website, business website, LinkedIn profile and other social media profiles.

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Push personal projects

It is difficult to get noticed on the first leg of your journey. To make your online presence more visible you can definitely try publishing your personal projects on social media. These can be projects on SEO, PPC, content marketing and other nuances of digital marketing that occupied your early days as a digital marketer.

Related: Latest SEO Trends – A preview of how SEO changes in 2017

Being a digital marketer may sound easy, but always staying on top of your game can become really tiring without the right guidance. The advent of digital marketing, LED touchscreens and mobile device optimization has made digital marketing a lot challenging that it used to be.

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