5 Surprising Benefits of Live Chat Software [GUEST POST]

5 Surprising Benefits of Live Chat Software

In the last decade we have witnessed so many changes that occurred in the business world. Most of them were boosted by new technological achievements. Markets were never as dynamic and oversaturated before as they are today. Business rivals are constantly coming to a new means to attract and retain customers.

For most companies it has been hard to keep up either because they lack capital for new adjustments or because of the lack of ideas. Most of the new-age managers are used to expensive methods that guarantee increased revenue. You should be aware that there are other ways of transforming some of the aspects of your business at much lower cost but with amazing benefits. For instance, improvements made in your customer support department can prove to be just what your company needed to reach success.

It is mandatory for every business to have a website. Some of the ventures are even based around web presence, such as the ecommerce industry. In either case, customer support plays crucial role in spreading the word about you and growing customer base. By implementing live chat software on the website your company will dramatically improve customer relations, thus increasing the revenue. The power that lays behind the web live chat deserves further research. This is why we have compiled this list of surprising benefits live chat software has to offer to your company.

Brings Customer Convenience to Another Level

The usual way customers look for assistance is via social media, phone and email. With live chat software on your website you will be able to offer help for your customers in real-time, right on the spot. The enjoyable experience your customers have by being helped this way will be the main factor that will allow you to build strong relationships with them. Live chat puts you on the spot where you will be able to provide quick help around the clock.

With this tool you will be able to increase shopping confidence in your customers. People like to know that there is always someone who is there to help. Any concern regarding a specific product or service of your company can be addressed right there with a customer looking at the product page. Furthermore, you will be able to provide advice to your customers as they shop, help them with decisions and offer them options that meet their interests and needs. Being there for customers, in the moments when they have issues, has proven to be an incredibly effective way of creating a base of loyal customers.

Generate More Leads

With this simple and affordable tool, you will generate more leads than ever. All of the major search engines have optimized their ranking algorithms to calculate the average time a user spends looking at one website. With live chat, you will be able to engage users and keep them on your website longer than usual. This way, your website will get ranked higher in search results, which will generate more traffic to your page.

As long as your website is well-designed and has plenty of useful content, getting more traffic to your website will generate more leads. One thing that is amazing about the internet is that it is always “on”. This also applies to your live chat support. Even when there is no one available to answer the questions, you can set a live chat box into an automated email capture form. This way you will ensure around-the-clock lead acquisition.

The live chat app can be used to engage indecisive prospects browsing through your pages. When the visitor is engaged in a live chat conversation it’s more likely that he/she will make a purchase. This tool is a remarkable way of boosting your conversion rates.

Related: How to Provide Effective Customer Service via Twitter?

Reduce Costs

We have already mentioned how live chat builds up confidence in buyers during the decision making process. And this confidence is what will make sure that your company gets very few goods returned. By providing all that info through web live chat you will help the customer to get what he/she needs fairly quickly, and you can forget about cases where a customer is not satisfied because the goods are not what he/she anticipated.

This app can also save money by cutting the expenses of your customer support department. There will be no more costly long distance phone calls. And your support staff will be more efficient when using this app, because they will be able to have multiple chats open serving many customers at the same time.

Constant Improvement of Customer Service

When you have the app up and running on your business website, you will be able to gather valuable data from your customers. This tool has some neat features, one of them being the ability to save chat transcripts and compile it one big data cluster. The data can then be analyzed in order to determine weak spots in your business operation. Identifying the trends of customer issues can serve as valuable learning material for your support team, helping them learn how to adjust to meet the customer’s needs with greater efficiency.

This way, you will have a unique window into the world of customer opinions, which is otherwise impossible. Your business managers can use this data to create and plan many innovations in support team policy. A study conducted by Forrester Research discovered that 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a Web site can offer. Also, this data can be transformed into frequently asked questions material that you can use to create an FAQ page on your website.

Stay Competitive

There are still many businesses that didn’t recognize the potential of having a live chat on their official website. By implementing this solution, you will have an edge over the competition. Your business will stand out in the crowded marketplace and you will be able to penetrate any market that interests you. Basically, there are no boundaries should you decide to use this app. For instance, you can hire chat agents that speak different languages and show your international customers that they matter.

A couple of years ago, an E-Marketer published a study that states: “Almost two in 10 live chat respondents did more than 75% of their holiday shopping online, compared with 14% of those who did not chat. A further 25% of chatters made 51% to 75% of their purchases on the Web, versus just 10% of those who did not participate in the chat service”.

The benefits of having live chat software on your website are quite compelling. It is not by chance that this app has become an essential tool for any company that is striving to provide the best customer service possible. This app provides the much-needed momentum when it comes to retaining and engaging customers. In case that you need more information about it, feel free to check out different business forums and read about other people’s experiences with live chat software.

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